cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Aug 16, 2010 18:37
whiskey's imprint: dr. claire saunders, damn!: tragic love story ahead!, shipping: claire/boyd, bamf: boyd, handler: boyd langton, season: 1, expression: sad, icu: havin' a hard time, whiskey: iz crying her heart out, type: quotes, type: picspam, location: dr. saunders' office, ep: 1x13 epitaph one, doll: whiskey, expression: broken-hearted, boyd: i'll be okay
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Aug 15, 2010 17:24
whiskey's imprint: dr. claire saunders, boyd: is wounded, shipping: claire/boyd, bamf: boyd, type: picspam, type: quotes, location: dr. saunders' office, expression: scarrred, handler: boyd langton, ep: 1x13 epitaph one, doll: whiskey, expression: sad, season: 1, boyd: i'll be okay
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Apr 11, 2010 15:32
icu: cryin' bb :(, mag: stop crying your heart out!, game: who is it?, type: screencap, actual: mag, type: game, ep: 1x13 epitaph one, season: 1, expression: sad
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Feb 16, 2010 21:01
doll: alpha, hbic: adelle dewitt, handler: boyd langton, ep: 1x02 the target, doll: november, season: 1, ep: 1x03 stage fright, handler: laurence dominic, type: wallpaper, ep: 1x06 man on the street, type: picspam, geek: topher brink, handler: paul ballard, ep: 1x11 briar rose, ep: 1x13 epitaph one, doll: victor, doll: whiskey, mr. dominic: this is soooo heavy!1!!, ep: 1x04 gray hour, whiskey's imprint: dr. claire saunders, echo's imprint: negotiator eleanor penn, geek: ivy, ep: 1x10 haunted, ep: 1x08 needs, ep: 1x07 echoes, doll: echo, ep: 1x01 ghost, ep: 1x12 omega, ep: 1x09 a spy in the house of love, doll: sierra, ep: 1x00 echo, dolls: all in this together, ep: 1x05 true believer
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Feb 01, 2010 19:56
oh topher: this is no playground!, hbic: adelle dewitt, expression: confident, topher: dayum! can i live here 4ever?, accessories: britishness, icu: havin' a smile on ur lips, season: 1, wardrobe: geek with style, type: quotes, type: picspam, geek: topher brink, wardrobe: classy & sassy, expression: giddy, adelle: approves!, ep: 1x13 epitaph one, location: topher's lab, adelle's hair: prettier as in s2
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Jan 28, 2010 20:07
shipping: echo/paul, paul: iz serious, icu: goin' all starship troopers, doll: echo, handler: paul ballard, type: screencap, accessories: gun, expression: apocalypse nowish, expression: wtf?!, bamf: paul, ep: 1x13 epitaph one, season: 1
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Jan 27, 2010 20:24
whiskey's imprint: dr. claire saunders, shipping: claire/boyd, bamf: boyd, type: picspam, handler: boyd langton, ep: 1x13 epitaph one, doll: whiskey, season: 1, expression: sad
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Jan 25, 2010 22:58
ep: 1x13 epitaph one, accessories: fork, victor's imprint: clive ambrose, doll: victor, season: 1, type: screencap, expression: hungry
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Jan 24, 2010 18:46
expression: apocalypse nowish, location: apocalyptic la, ep: 1x13 epitaph one, accessories: fire, season: 1, type: screencap, type: opening credits
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Jan 14, 2010 19:24
ep: 1x13 epitaph one, doll: whiskey, type: gif, whiskey: w00t w00t! apocalypse is coming, whiskey: do i look scary to you?, season: 1